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SCREENS IN MOTION 2024: The large and independent moving image study

Who watches what, how and why? For the seventh time in a row, the major SCREENS IN MOTION video study by TVSpielfilmPlus is taking a close look at consumers' viewing habits. New this year: the new ad-financed streaming subscription models were also surveyed, as well as the use of social media at provider level.


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Extracts from the current study 2024

  • Further viewer shift to streaming and media library offerings: Classic linear TV has lost a further 8% points compared to the previous year. Currently, 72% say they watch linear TV at least once a month. After the share of users of streaming subscription offerings fell slightly for the first time last year, Netflix, Prime Video and Co. have gained another 3% points to now 59%. Media libraries are also becoming more relevant and are only just behind streaming subscriptions at 56%. TV remains the most used moving image offering - but the lead is narrowing.
  • For the first time, there is a significant decline in TV usage among those over 50: The most loyal TV viewers to date, those aged 50 and over, continue to watch classic TV the most at 87%. However, the study currently shows a significant drop of 5% points in just one year. At the same time, there has been an increase of 5% points in the use of streaming subscription services, now at 45%. Public media libraries continue to be more relevant in this age group at 56%.
  • 30-49 year olds are the largest user group of streaming subscription services: The change in viewing habits is no longer predominantly driven by younger people (14 to 29 years old). For the first time, 30-49 year olds are on par with younger people (14-29 years old) in terms of streaming subscription usage at 68%. Due to the higher proportion of the population, the middle age group now accounts for the majority of streaming subscription users.
  • Younger people (14-29 years old) watch moving image services on most platforms: Younger people show the greatest diversification in viewing behavior. The largest share of the total viewing time is spent on streaming subscription offers at 27%, followed by social media at 16% and linear TV at 15%. Other parts of the viewing time are spent on video portals (YouTube), pay TV and media libraries.
  • Overall, the viewing time for moving images is not only distributed across TV and streaming, but also across video portals, media libraries, pay TV and social media.
  • Our Offer

    Our offer: Arrange an appointment now for an online presentation so that we can present the results of the study to you in detail and tailored to your needs. We look forward to the exchange from media professional to media professional.

    Method profile

    Method: online survey
    Field time: March 5 - March 18, 2024
    Population: 14 years and older, online representative, quotas based on age, gender, region
    Sample: n = 2,000
    Institute: Consumer Panel Services GfK