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Ad Specials


Print is alive: Our Ad Specials are creative advertising ideas that add a certain touch and feel to your brand message.

Hands-on creativity

Print is much more than just paper. Whether pop-ups, or scented varnish, bound inserts, or banderoles – with the classic medium, a lot is possible creatively. Which tactile idea will best enhance your campaign? Which finish will do the most for your brand? The BCN team will advise you with tailor-made ideas and at the same time offer you the right implementation.

Print is a clean business

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in print. The German Printing and Media Industries Federation (bvdm) has calculated that print products account for less than one percent of a person's total CO2 footprint. Despite this low percentage, more and more print shops and publishers are voluntarily getting involved in climate initiatives and are offering offsetting for print production. More information at bvdm.
