BAMBI – Europe's most important media award
BAMBI is Europe's most important and most popular awards ceremony.
A cross-technology media event that reaches and fascinates people across all channels. The original film award is now a benchmark for success and popularity in Germany.
The award honours personalities with vision and creativity who have touched and inspired the public and whose outstanding achievements have been reflected in the media over the course of a year.
The idea for the charity event TRIBUTE TO BAMBI #BAMBIhilftKindern, which takes place in the run-up to the BAMBI media award, was born in 2001 from the idea of utilising the media attention of the BAMBI media award and the desire to help children in need. With the TRIBUTE TO BAMBI charity event, which takes place once a year, BAMBI works with companies and celebrities to help children in need in Germany.
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BAMBI & TRIBUTE TO BAMBI - an ideal environment for cross-media brand staging
As a highly emotional brand, BAMBI offers a strong, cross-media platform for partnerships with companies and brands that stage themselves individually and benefit from the enormous reach.
With TRIBUTE TO BAMBI, charity partners get involved in the run-up to BAMBI for children in need.
The charity event TRIBUTE TO BAMBI 2023 achieved a reach of over 450 million media contacts.
Many prominent guests also used their social media channels to share their impressions of the glamorous charity event - well beyond the day of the event.