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FOCUS Magazine - Here are the facts

FOCUS is a modern weekly magazine that tells the stories of our world at the highest journalistic level, classifies the challenges of the time and thus provides orientation. It is about tomorrow's topics and the heroes and heroines who are changing our world - in politics, business, science, society and culture. Because people make news and people are news. FOCUS believes in the power of facts, the power of clear thought and the importance of debate for our democracy. It may be harder today, but it is also more important than ever to separate fake from fact. We do it. Every week!

"Focus is the modern weekly magazine that tells the stories of our world and classifies the challenges of the time. People make news and people are news. Where is the future being thought and made? Who are the heroes and heroines? Who provides orientation? Focus takes a close look and tells journalistically at the highest level what will be of importance tomorrow." FRANZISKA REICH

"Focus is the strong, self -confident middle -class voice in Germany. A voice for common sense and economic rationality." GEORG MECK

FOCUS magazine cover


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Main target audience


41,0 % 20 - 49 years


66,0 % Men

Net Income

70,0 % > 3,000 EUR


80,0 % A levels or similar

ma 2023 II

Key data

Frequency of publication weekly
Publication date Friday
Base price (1/1 4c page) 64,700 EUR1
Copies sold 243,3272
Total readership 3.07 m3
Editorship Franziska Reich, Georg Meck
1 Prices valid from 01.01.2024
2 IVW IV/23
3 ma 2023 Pressemedien II


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Why FOCUS Magazine?

  • In accordance with the FOCUS motto "Facts Facts Facts", FOCUS only delivers well-researched and high-quality articles with real facts instead of fakes, because FOCUS sees itself as a companion, advisor and inspiration for its readers.
  • High reach of over 3 million readers per issue
  • Attractive target group: high-income, educated, future-oriented
  • Innovative strength FOCUS proves its innovative strength with, among other things, the "FOCUS Innovation Prize", which was launched in 2020 and which honors innovative ideas.
  • Optimism FOCUS always looks positively and optimistically at the changing world and shows its readers the resulting opportunities.
  • Quality journalism To ensure this level, FOCUS relies exclusively on highly competent editors such as Jörg Harlan Rohleder (known from Vanity Fair & Interview Magazine) as deputy editor-in-chief and editorial director, Thomas Tuma as THE watch specialist (known from Handelsblatt and Spiegel) and Franziska Reich (known from Stern and as a parliamentary correspondent) as the new co-editor-in-chief of FOCUS with Georg Meck, known from FOCUS Money. Also new to the team is Frances Uckermann as creative director.