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Goldene Henne - germany's biggest audience award

Goldene Henne is Germany's biggest audience award and has been presented since 1995 in memory of the entertainer, singer and actress Helga “Henne” Hahnemann. Readers of SuperIllu and viewers of MDR choose their favorites in the categories Entertainment, Film & Television, Music and Sport. In addition, jury prizes will be awarded in the categories Charity, Politics, Everyday Heroes, Our Future and Lifetime Achievement.

Stefan Kobus, Editor-in-Chief of SuperIllu, explains: “The evening reflects the diverse interests and passions of our readers and viewers. Above all, it is an evening for the audience.”

Stefan Kobus, Editor-in-Chief of Superillu, explains: “The evening reflects the diverse interests and passions of our readers and viewers. Above all, it is an evening for the audience.”

GOLDENE HENNE key visual


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Key data

Visitors 4,500
Coverage TV 1.16 m

Why choose the Goldene Henne award show?

  • Goldene Henne is the biggest audience award in Germany
  • Exclusive target group on location
  • Staging platform Goldene Henne

    • The Goldene Henne is an entertainment show with an award ceremony
    • High involvement with end consumers: The audience's vote is the only deciding factor in the five main categories.
    • Individual staging possibilities (media and on-site) in personal discussions.