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From A for accident insurance to Z for zinc deficiency, from understanding an insurance policy to choosing a doctor: The decisions we have to make as consumers constantly grows more and more complex. Confused consumers search for advice and direction. They often look for good, independent advice before making decisions. The qualified editorial staff at GUTER RAT organise the multitude of information, prioritise and evaluate it and then offer credible, comprehensible advice its readers can use - Hence the name, which is German for ‘good advice’. key visual


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Main target audience


50,0 % 40 - 69 years

Net Income

59,0 % > 3,000 Euro


73,0 % with further qualification or high school diploma or university degree

b4p 2023

Key data

Portalname GUTERRAT.DE
Visits 100,0001
Facebook Fans 10,0002
1 IVW Q4/23
2 April 2024, publisher's statement

Why choose GUTERRAT.DE?

  • GUTERRAT.DE provides direction for all of the important topics for every area of life.
  • GUTERRAT.DE offers a range of topics in: Economy, tests, living better, staying healthy and staying mobile.
  • GUTERRAT.DE assists users in making decisions regarding their purchase decision, often right before taking the decision.
  • Online advertising on GUTERRAT.DE

    The channels ‘Marketplace’, ‘Economy’, ‘Living better’, ‘Staying healthy’ and ‘Staying mobile’ offer information to users about important topics such as money, insurance and topics concerning household and family. Users also receive information about new products and tests with buying recommendations.