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Women Premium Combi


The classic KLAMBT titles combine health, services & advice, care tips and the latest news, making them the ideal weekly combination for the best ager women.

Your benefits

  • More than 10% savings when booking both titles rather than separately
  • The perfect combination to address the target group of women over 40 who are eager to consume


Sources: Sold circulation IVW I/24 | reach: ma 2024 I | prices valid from 01.09.2023
Circulation 302,936
Reach 1.16 m
Combi booking 26,210 EUR
Saving 10%

*The combination "Frauen Premium Kombi" shown by agma includes the titles 7 TAGE, FRAU MIT HERZ, DIE NEUE FRAU and VIEL SPASS. In addition to these titles, with the "Women's Premium Combi" you also book the WOCHE DER FRAU (WEEK OF THE WOMAN), which was not surveyed.
