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Lisa Trend Pack


Combines two successful women’s weeklies to create an even more attractive media package: LISA, a particularly strong women’s brand, has been an institution on the market for well over 28 years.

Since 2003, FRAU IM TREND, an informational illustrated magazine, has been leveraging its quality-oriented infotainment strategy to distinguish itself from competitors Frau von Heute and Alles für die Frau on the sales market.

Your benefits

  • 5 percent savings by booking titles together rather than separately.
  • high circulation with economic CPM.
  • attractive combination of two titles that complement one another in terms of age and genre.



Sources: Sold circulation IVW I/24 | Total reach ma 2024 I | Prices valid from 01.09.2023
Circulation 287,479
Reach 1.32 m
Combi booking EUR 41,200
Saving 5.3%
