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Outstream as a brand safety solution for the open web

Datalicious Podcast S5E1

with Christian Zimmer (Teads)

Welcome to the first episode of the fifth season of Datalicious! Today's guest is Christian Zimmer, Managing Director of Teads. He has 30 years of experience in the media and advertising industry. His broad perspective allows us to dive deep into the topic of outstream advertising and the future of the open web (portals that are not one of the major platforms).

In this episode, we discuss:
  • The responsibility of digital platforms: Are community notes enough?
  • Brand safety & brand suitability: How can advertisers ensure that their brands appear in a trustworthy environment?
  • Outstream as an opportunity for the open web: What role does outstream advertising play, and how can it enable sustainable monetization for publishers?
  • The importance of identifier solutions: How can identifier solutions such as UID2 or NetID help to create a sustainable alternative to the walled gardens of the large platforms?
  • A look into the future: How can the open web handle the challenges of fake news, programmatic advertising, and new AI technologies?
  • An exciting episode for anyone who is interested in digital advertising, media strategies, and the future of the advertising industry.
Takeaways from this episode:
  1. Platforms and responsibility: The major digital platforms have an immense responsibility for the dissemination of content. Eliminating fact checks in favor of community notes could be problematic, especially in the context of fake news.
  2. Brand safety is not the same thing as brand suitability: It's not enough to simply place advertising on "safe" sites. Brands should also ensure that they appear in suitable, high-quality environments that reflect their values.
  3. Outstream as a growth driver: Outstream advertising can play a central role for the open web. It offers publishers a sustainable source of income and enables advertisers to achieve high-quality placement.
  4. Rethinking data strategies: The future lies in first-party data and alternatives to third-party cookies. Identifier solutions such as UID2 or NetID could become a solution, but must be widely accepted.
  5. The advertising industry needs a new KPI culture: current metrics such as view-through rates or classic clicks are no longer sufficient. Attention and outcome-based models are becoming increasingly important.
  6. Users need to understand that high-quality journalism must be financed – either through subscriptions or through advertising. So publishers need to be more transparent about why advertising is essential.
  7. AI will continue to change the media landscape: The influence of artificial intelligence on content production and advertising monetization will continue to increase. The media industry must be prepared for this, and handle these developments responsibly.

00:00 Introduction to Datalicious and new perspectives

02:55 The responsibility of digital advertising

05:58 Fact-checking and freedom of expression

09:02 The role of platforms and their responsibility

12:00 Brand suitability and the open web

14:46 Outstream advertising as an opportunity for publishers

18:06 Quality and user-centricity in advertising

24:52 The importance of outstream advertising

28:26 Challenges in the open web and identifier solutions

32:42 Micro-targeting and its limits

35:01 Visions for the future of the open web

40:06 Transparency and trust in digital marketing