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Tour ist the leading, german speaking, racing bike magazine.

The guiding principle of the Tour editorial team is to inform the committed amateur sportsman comprehensively with a high level of journalistic expertise, for example through elaborate and well-founded product tests from our own laboratory as well as through carefully researched and photographed reports from the world of cycling. The editorial team of enthusiastic cyclists and experienced journalists observes and evaluates trends, gets to the bottom of things and reports from the scene for the scene.


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Main target audience

Tour readers are trendsetters and innovators who are exceptionally willing to spend money on their sport.

Key data

Frequency of publication monthly
Publication date Tuesday
Base price (1/1 4c page) 11,850 EUR1
Copies sold 38,0722
Editorship Thomas Musch
1 Prices valid from 01.01.2025
2 IVW III/24

Why Tour?

  • Well-known brand
  • The oldest German-language racing bike magazine TOUR has been published since 1977.
  • Consumptive target group
  • 360° brand
  • Exceptional reader-magazine loyalty.
  • Together with the high journalistic quality, the TOUR brand enjoys the highest level of trust among readers, users and in the industry.