FürSie.de - Time for me
FürSie.de users are self-determined and make their own decisions consciously and confidently. Brand loyalty is an important focus for them. FürSie.de stands for persistent content, for rough edges. FürSie.de does not bend itself for trends, instead the subject sustainability is clearly in the spotlight. fürsie.de is the time-out of the day, the very conscious enjoyment, during which the users only deal with the contents of the website, in accordance with the brand claim: Time for me!

Find your point of contactMain target audience
62,0 % 35-64 years
65,0 % Women
Key data
Portalname | FürSie.de |
Visits | 740,0001 |
Facebook Fans | 71,1492 |
12,8392 | |
125,9002 |