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Perfect fit: three strong brands for women, fashion & beauty

PARSA Beauty

The goal

  • Present PARSA Beauty as THE hairstyling experts
  • Position PARSA Beauty's active-ingredient hairbrush as a product hero and create awareness with qualitative reach
  • Promote involvement with the new product series and generate traffic on the website

The idea

By integrating interactive touchpoints in the digital environment, we position PARSA Beauty as a first mover in the beauty sector. We present the new active-ingredient hairbrushes cross-media and natively within the target group interested in hairstyling. Freundin, InStyle and Jolie ensure the perfect match with the target group and offer the perfect environment for the brand with their high-quality journalism and intelligent content. Whether in branded content articles, with a native personality test or with emotional social storytelling: our dream team of high-reach media brands and the InStyle crew emphasizes the uniqueness of every woman.

The success

Mission accomplished: The campaign managed to position PARSA Beauty as a first mover – in particular thanks to the successful content creation of the InStyle crew and the personality test at InStyle. Relevant outperformances of almost all native content pieces with a focus on storytelling demonstrate the very high fit with our target groups. The performance approaches also met all target values and impressed with relevant KPIs (e.g. VTR).

Campaign info

Core brand Solutions Campaign period Production period
PARSA Beauty Branded content articles Sep - Dec 2023 6 weeks
  Personality test    
  Influencer Instyle Crew    
  Social videos    
  CPC & CPCV models    

Let´s talk!


Tobias van Duynen Head of Client Services Beauty, Fashion & Luxury | Head of Publisher Brand Sales Premium +49 89 92 50 33 93